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Список литературы

1. Arrand J. C., Corner J. A demonstration of tree-fruit pollination under Okanagan conditions. British Columbia Department of Agriculture mimeograph, 1962.

2. Bartram R. High-quality Red Delicious apples for late-season marketing. Cooperative Exten. Ser., Coll. Agric., Washington State Univ., Pullman, EM 3033, 1969.

3. Ber1age A. G., Tukey R. B., Yost G. E. Modifying tree fruit culture to engineering needs. Proc. Ann. Meet. Amer. Soc. Agric. Engin., Pacific Northwest Region, 1967.

4. Childers N. F. Modern fruit science. Horticultural Publications, Rutgers Univ., The State Univ., New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08903, fourth ed" 1969.

5. Doran S. M., Hunter R. E. The cost of establishing an apple orchard on standard rootstock, Columbia Basin, Washington. Cooperative Exten. Ser., Coll. Agric., Washington State Univ., Pullman, EM 2832, 1967.

6. Doran S. M., Hunter R. E. The cost of establishing an apple orchard on semi-dwarfing rootstock, Columbia Basin, Washington. Cooperative Exten. Ser., Coll. Agric., Washington State Univ., Pullman, EM 2833, 1967.

7. Doran S. M., Hunter R. E. The cost of establishing an apple orchard on full-dwarfing rootstock, Columbia Basin, Washington. Cooperative Exten. Ser., Coll. Agric., Washington State Univ., Pullman, EM 2834, 1967.

8. Fisher D. V. Pruning tree fruits and small fruits. Canada Dep. Agric. Res. Sta. Publ. SP 6, 1957.

9. Fisher D. V. Size thinning for apples. Canada Dep. Agric. Res. Sta. (Summerland) Pomology Mimeograph 863, 1959.

10. Fisher D. V. Tree fruit growing in the Interior of British Columbia. Canada Dep. Agric. Res. Sta. Publ. SP 25, 1964.

11. Fisher D. V. High-density orchards for British Columbia conditions. Canada Dep. Agric., Res. Sta. Publ. SP 38, 1966.

12. Fisher D. V. Spur-type strains of McIntosh for high density planting. Canada Dep. Agric. Res. Sta. Publ., 1969.

13. Fisher D. V., Porritt S. W. Apple harvesting and storage in British Columbia. Canada Dep. Agric. Publ. 724, 1951.

14. Fisher D. V., Vielvoye J. Grape Growing in Brittish Columbia. Canada Dep. Agric. Res. Sta. Publ. SP 45, 1968.

15. Free J. B., Spencer-Booth Y. The foraging behaviour of honey-bees in an orchard of dwarf apple trees. Jour, Hort. Sci., 39, 78 - 83, 1964.

16. Harris J. H., Woods J. J. Dwarf apple trees on Vancouver island. Canada Dep. Agric. Res. Sta. (Saanichton, British Columbia). Publ. 175, 1959.

17. Littler A. E. Apple production in the coastal regions of British Columbia. Hort. Circ. 98. British Columbia Dep. Agric., 1963.

18. Marshall J., Mc Mechan A. D., Wil1iams K. Low-volume air-blast spraying in British Columbia orchards, 1957 - 1962. Canada Dep. Agric. Publ. 1191, 1963.

19. McIntosh D. L. Collar and crown rot disease of fruit-trees. British Columbia Dep. Agric. Plant Pathology Circ., 1970.

20. Mc Mechan A. D. The bulk bin method of handling fruit in British Columbia. Canada Dep. Agric. Res. Sta. Publ., SP 42, 1967.

21. Mi1ne R. A., Rapp E. Soil salinity and drainage problems. Canada Dep. Agric. Publ. 1314, 1968.

22. Swales J. E. Mold and hold - old idea with a new name. The British Columbia Orchardist, 6, 9 - 13, 1967.

23. The Fruit Committee of the Horticultural Education Association. The pollination of fruit crops. Reprinted from Scientific Horticulture, vols. XIV and XV, 1967.

24. Tukey H. B. Dwarfed fruit trees. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1964.

25. Tukey L. D. Trellis-hedgerow apple production has a future in mechanical harvesting. New England apple harvesting and storage Symposium Proceedings: 24 - 35, 1968.

26. Tukey R. B., Ballard J. K. Characteristics of Delicious apple strains and selections. Cooperative Exten. Ser., Coll. Agric., Washington State Univ., Pullman, EM 3124, 1969.

27. Tukey R. B., Doran S. M. Data related to Washington apple production and utilization. Cooperative Exten. Ser., Coll. Agric., Washington State Univ., Pullman, EM 3282, 1969.

28. Weiss G. M., Fisher D. V. Growing apple trees on dwarfing rootstocks. Canada Dep. Agric. Res. Sta. Publ. SP 15, 1960.

29. Wertheim S. J. The training of the slender spindle. Res. Sta. Fruit Growing, Wilhelminadorp, The Netherlands, Publ. 7, 1968.

30. Wilcox J. C., Mason J. L. Suitability for irrigation of water from lakes and streams in the Southern Interior of British Columbia. Canada Dep. Agric., Publ. 1179, 1963.

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